Why choose Dreads Expert Academy and its training courses to learn how to create and maintain natural dreads?
Why choose Dreads Expert and the Dreads Expert Academy to learn how to create and maintain natural dreadlocks? The desire to share my skills and know-how with dreadlock enthusiasts. Over 20 years' experience. Working professionally for 8 years....
The Swedish Touch - The modern and ideal technique for creating and maintaining natural dreadlocks
The Swedish Touch - The ideal modern technique for creating and maintaining natural dreadlocks Would you like to learn an innovative and gentle technique for creating natural dreadlocks? An effective and enjoyable technique for you, your clients and your friends? Try The Swedish...
Dreads Expert Academy : l'école des Dreadlocks | Training and apprenticeship for individuals and hairdressing professionals
Dreads Expert Academy, l'école des dreadlocks, was born of the desire to pass on know-how and share the values of dreadlock culture. In my workshop, you'll learn how to create beautiful, natural dreads, analyze hair types and facial morphologies...
How do you learn to create and maintain natural dreadlocks?
You are fascinated by the world of natural dreadlocks and you want to learn a future profession that will allow you to combine work and pleasure? Maybe you or someone you know wears natural dreads or natural locks extensions? Do you have...
- News about locs
- brittle and fragile
- Fine hair and dreads
- Natural hair
- How to merge locks
- Tips and tricks for caring for women's natural locks
- Discoloration
- Dreadlocks learning
- Natural mixed-race dreadlocks
- Dreads Academy | Dreadlocks School | Training and Learning
- natural dreads for fine hair
- Maintenance
- Maintenance of dreads after creation
- Step by step
- Dreadlocks extensions
- The evolution of dreads
- My world
- News about locs
- colour and dreadlocks
- Q&A
- Technical