How to successfully colour and apply dreadlocks
The coloring of dreadlocks is an art. Discover through the creation why! Victoria is a well-known influencer from Hautes Alpes. She wanted to wear dreadlocks. In December 2019, she contacted me for a creation, coloring and installation of dreadlocks extensions Victoria did not have a hair style...
Bleaching, Dreadlocks extensions, Colour and dreadlocks application, Technique
Natural dreadlocks and colouring?
Natural dreadlocks and colouring? It is indeed possible to colour your natural dreads. The same goes for extensions. This was a very common solution in the world of locks thirty years ago. It allowed, thus, to tighten the hair.
- News about locs
- brittle and fragile
- Fine hair and dreads
- Natural hair
- How to merge locks
- Tips and tricks for caring for women's natural locks
- Discoloration
- Dreadlocks learning
- Natural mixed-race dreadlocks
- Dreads Academy | Dreadlocks School | Training and Learning
- natural dreads for fine hair
- Maintenance
- Maintenance of dreads after creation
- Step by step
- Dreadlocks extensions
- The evolution of dreads
- My world
- News about locs
- colour and dreadlocks
- Q&A
- Technical