Evolution of natural dreads extensions on fine hair
Evolution of natural dreads extensions on fine hair.
Laure-Anne is the 2013 and 2014 world champion in para taekwondo. She has been wearing natural dreadlocks for 18 months. I created them for her after the first confinement.
She comes every quarter to my hair salon specialising in natural dreads to have her locks serviced.
Her goal is to always have natural, aesthetically perfect dreadlocks.
Laure-Anne is really happy with the result. The more time passes, the happier she is to have a thickness and length of hair that she did not have before.
Indeed, her fine, brittle and fragile hair, which she wore short, prevented her from dreaming of a long and beautiful hair that she so desired. My article " are natural dreadlocks the solution to fine and brittle hair? "convinced her to contact me so that I could make her dream come true.
Since then her hair grows much better thanks to the dreadlocks.
Moreover, my crochet technique "The Swedish touch" perfectly adapted to the fragility of her hair favors this regrowth. Indeed, my technique made of softness and respect of the young and/or emerging hair allows me to maintain well its locks without traumatizing its scalp. Because, let's not forget that a well cared for scalp is the breeding ground for future beautiful hair.
Laure-Anne, of course, will one day cut her natural dreads extensions. But as long as she doesn't have enough natural length to her liking, she will keep her extensions. She will be able to continue to attach them and style them as she pleases.
Evolution of natural dreads extensions on fine hair.
Laure-Anne feels so good with her locks. No more wasting time styling your hair for hours every morning, no more tedious brushing and straightening, no more damaging your hair. Dreadlocks is freedom.
Want to learn how to create and maintain natural dreadlocks? Discover the Dreads Expert Academy.
Dreadlocks: a solution for fine hair, a theme developed by Dreads-expert.
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- brittle and fragile
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