205 Rue Isaac Newton - 83700 Saint-Raphaël

Natural half-headed dreads bohemian style - Alexandra

Natural half-headed dreads bohemian style - Alexandra

Natural half-head dreads for women

Alexandra is a speech therapist who has opted for an alternative life with her husband and children. They live most of the time in a camping car and they made the choice to live a life going around the world, to see and experience something else. While we were talking, Alexandra told me that she saw my village in Swedish Lapland. They passed by there too in a camper van!

When Alexandra contacted me, I carefully analysed her hair colour, which was a mix of a polar platinum with darker highlights. I created very platinum polar locks with small darker strands to obtain a natural result in harmony with her hair.

Once they were on, I decorated them with beads and criss-cross threads for a bohemian touch.

This chic and bohemian design style allows you to remain discreet if you wish or, depending on your desires, to highlight your new style.

Are you interested in the world of dreads? You want to deepen your knowledge in order to sharpen your thinking about a future switch to locks? I invite you to read, below, these different articles published on my blog:

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