Many people who want to wear dreads hesitate to take the plunge. Indeed, the maintenance of natural dreads makes some people hesitate. 

This Q&A also aims to debunk this tired myth. 

Should I wait to wash my dreads after the installation?

  • It is best to wash your locks seven days after they are created.
  • You can then wash them twice a week.
  • I advise you to apply an aloe vera treatment once a week. Roll your dreadlocks gently between your hands. This way your dreads will be compact and strong.

Do I need a specific shampoo to care for my dreadlocks?

  • Yes, this is indeed crucial!
  • It is advisable to use a shampoo suitable for locks. This will prevent your hair from frizzing. In addition, the appearance of unruly hair will be reduced. 
  • Personally, I use the shampoo of the Danish brand Raw Roots. It is an organic product that does not attack your dreads. The Dolly Locks and Knotty Boy shampoos are also of high quality.
  • Do not use mass-produced products (Head and shoulder, etc). Indeed, unruly hair will appear on your dreads.

What is unruly hair and why does it appear?

  • Unruly hair is the hair that sticks out of your dreads. They prevent them from being compact and strong.
  • This phenomenon occurs in several cases. If you wash your hair more than twice a week. You also use industrial shampoos. If you roll your dreads between your hands too often.

I have dandruff and/or lice in my dreads, what should I do?

  • There are special products to combat dandruff and lice (essential oils, organic treatments, etc.).
  • So don't hesitate to ask me about it! I will then advise you which products to use. It all depends on your hair type, colour and texture.

Can I use a moisturizing oil on my dreads after a creation?

  • At first, no. Your first goal is to get your locks compact and strong. After a few weeks, no problem!
  • There are special moisturising oils for dreadlocks. So don't hesitate to try them out and adopt them!

Can I take off my dreadlocks the day I don't want to wear them anymore?

  • Of course! Just untangle it with a comb. This way, you'll get your hair back to the way it used to be.
  • As for your extensions, just cut them off! I advise you to keep them in case you feel like dreads again.
The maintenance of natural dreads: F.A.Q. n° 2, an article by Lisah Sandström from Dreads Expert.

Do you care about the maintenance of your cadenettes? Then read the posts below. You will also find them on my website.

In order to have strong and shiny locks, maintenance should be carried out regularly. A quarterly rhythm would be ideal. After dreads have been made, have your first patching done sixty days later.