What approach to wearing dreadlocks?
Do you want to have dreadlocks? But you are wondering: what is the best way to wear dreadlocks? Indeed, the doubt assails you preventing you from jumping the step. What will my professional environment think? Is the maintenance of dreads restrictive? Do I not...
Are dreadlocks the solution to fine hair?
Not many people know this, but dreadlocks are the solution to fine hair. Lina has ultra-fine hair. She has been fighting against her hair since she was a child to have volume. She dreams, therefore, of being able to create hairstyles that reflect her personality.
From synthetic to natural dreadlocks
From synthetic dreadlocks to natural dreads. Emilie explains to us why she made the choice to switch from one to the other. Understanding her approach is interesting. Indeed, she highlights her will to find a form of freedom and naturalness. Lisah :...
No or little hair? Dreads are possible!
You thought dreadlocks could only be worn if you had a minimum of hair? Absolutely not! There are now solutions that allow men with little hair to wear beautiful dreads. So I often say...
Natural dreadlocks or synthetic dreads?
This question is frequently asked by those considering wearing dreads. I only give my humble opinion. I try, therefore, to motivate it as best I can. It's not about making a value judgment on one or the other. So, natural dreadlocks or...
Steps to create natural dreadlocks
In this article, I present you the steps to create natural dreadlocks with Dreads Expert. This way, you will know the steps to follow before you start wearing locks. That is, if you let me do it. This process is important. It will allow me to...
- News about locs
- brittle and fragile
- Fine hair and dreads
- Natural hair
- How to merge locks
- Tips and tricks for caring for women's natural locks
- Discoloration
- Dreadlocks learning
- Natural mixed-race dreadlocks
- Dreads Academy | Dreadlocks School | Training and Learning
- natural dreads for fine hair
- Maintenance
- Maintenance of dreads after creation
- Step by step
- Dreadlocks extensions
- The evolution of dreads
- My world
- News about locs
- colour and dreadlocks
- Q&A
- Technical