From synthetic dreadlocks to natural dreads. Emilie explains to us why she made the choice to switch from one to the other. Understanding her approach is interesting. Indeed, she highlights her will to find a form of freedom and naturalness.
Lisah: How long have you been wearing synthetic dreads?
Emilie: I've been wearing them for 2 years.
Lisah: Why did you choose to wear synthetic dreads instead of natural dreads?
Emilie: Actually, I didn't know it was possible. Nobody in my region (Arles)
offered to do dreads with natural hair extensions.
Lisah : Why do you want to cut your synthetic dreads and switch to locks today?
Emilie : My motivations are multiple. I prefer the aesthetics of natural dreads. I wish to see my locks evolve naturally. I will have the possibility to lighten my dreads according to my desires. I will also be able to test different colours!

Synthetic dreads are a great way to discover locks. Indeed, their installation budget is lower. Moreover, it is an excellent transitional stage before moving on to natural dreads.

I have therefore chosen not to offer my clients and prospects synthetic dreads. Moreover, I don't lay any either. Indeed, I have not yet found any that fully satisfy me. But, I do not despair of finding some ! I continue, consequently, to search !!!
From synthetic dreadlocks to natural dreads? An article by Lisah Sandström from Expert Dreads.